gm from the gm groundhogs

Saying gm is how we start each day. We tweet it, we meme it, we mean it. We love how the NFT culture makes us feel, and we want to share that feeling with more people. That's why we're creating digital and physical products that help us say "gm" and introduce new people to the most innovative space of our lifetime.

soon - mint a gm groundhog

Another animal avatar? Really? Yup: Avatars are simple to understand, and everyone loves groundhogs. Together they're the perfect way to introduce people to NFTs. We use them on our Twitter account and set them as our iMessage photo. Our friends and family always ask us about the latest "picture" we're rocking. We are sweating the details of every trait to make a unique, fun, and lovable avatar. And no matter what your favorite NFT influencer says, they all have a soft spot for a cute PFP.

next - mint a hog, get a hoodie

You know the feeling, you're rocking your new favorite hoodie, and someone says, "that's dope" "who makes that?" Whether it's your BAYC gear or just your favorite brand, everyone loves talking about their newest fit. This is why every Hog will come with a GMG hoodie, which we'll have the community help us design. This isn't some hoodie we'll screen print ourselves in our garage. We will have the best merch in the NFTs. It will be made from premium material with custom designs that will turn heads. We have decades of experience in the fashion industry, so we're confident you'll wear it, people will ask you about it, and you'll spread the gm !vibes.


So much more to come. More art, more merch, more collabs, more media, and more value for the community. As we build GMG, the future is not a place we get to go; it is a place we get to create together.

how much?

1 Hog and 1 hoodie for 1 SOL

our team

First of all, we love NFTs as much as you do, maybe more. The culture and community mean everything to us. During our careers, our team members have:

  • Built tech products and companies valued in the billions
  • Led organizations of 2,000+ employees
  • Built and then sold businesses to $GME
  • Written commercials for major brands—stuff you've probably seen
  • Been founding team members of clothing brands that you definitely know and likely wear every week
  • Led marketing for multi-billion dollar companies
  • Launched successful NFT projects on Ethereum

We are all friends, and our team represents the best people we've worked with within our careers. Come chat with us on Discord. We'd love to get to know you. Many of our team members are fully doxxed on Discord and go by their full name.

❤️, Roger Emmer - Team Lead, Mike Harding - Creative Direction, Sara Harding - Artist, John Youngberg - Lead Technical, Brant Choate - Lead Dev, Tyler Dickman - Lead Social, Jon Chiazzese - Lead Community, Doug Barnett - Lead Marketing, Adam Metcalf - Lead Media, Jake Larson - Lead Apparel, Tim Jooste - Advisor, Clarke Miyasaki - Biz Dev